Sunday, November 30, 2014

Baby News!

We are so excited to announce that there will be a new member joining our family this summer! #McBaby will arrive June 2015. We are thrilled! 

Christmas Decorating

In this house, we waste no time; particularly when it comes to Christmas decorating. I usually try to wait until the day after Christmas to decorate but sometimes I just can't help myself! I held off on the tree until Black Friday, (No, there was not a great discount on the tree, unfortunately) but I did get a 3 day head start on some decor. Happy decorating, all!
And finally, the tree...

Happy Turkey Day!

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! I know I have a lot to be thankful for! I spent the day with my family filled with lots of love, laughter and happiness... And delicious food. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chicken Asparagus Pasta

On this chilly fall night, I decided to cook
something fun. I found this great recipe on Pinterest. It was super easy and delicious! Enjoy!
(Note: I substituted bow tie pasta with gluten free penne pasta and added mushrooms.)
Cook the pasta. I got gluten free!
Sauté the chicken in olive oil. You will add the mushrooms, other ingredients in after chicken is cooked.
Chop the asparagus. Add to the pasta water when pasta is 5 minutes from done.
I like to pre-measure my ingredients in my cute little bowls. It makes it a lot easier and organized! 
Chop and sauté the mushrooms with the chicken and other ingredients (above) plus the spices.
Mix the skillet with the pasta and asparagus and... voila! Delicious pasta! This is a recipe we will be repeating in this house! Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Cousin Love

Over the weekend, I got to spend some quality time with my sister. She has an adorable golden retreiver puppy. To my dogs, that meant one thing: constant play time! It was a fun weekend for my sister and I but even more fun for the pups! 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The 3 C's... comfortable, cute, and cheap!

In the wintertime, I like to follow the 3 C's rules... comfortable, cute and cheap! I have found so many great deals on things from clothes to accessories to home decor! Here are some of my great finds. Prices range from $5 to $30! What a deal!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Scarves Galore!

Today Chicago hit 25 degrees. We are facing record lows in the month of November. Just when us Midwesterners were starting to forget about our dreadful winter last year, here comes Mother Nature again with an early "Winter Surprise." Because I always try to be the optimist, I chose to somehow see the silver lining here... scarves! Whether you wear them to stay warm or as an accessory... or both, here are some great scarf looks for the upcoming chilly season.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Monogram Monday!

Ok, so its Tuesday, but I meant to write this Monday... and I love alliterations. Anyway, anyone who knows me well, knows that I love monogramming! In fact, at one of my wedding showers, my bridesmaids still recall the amount of things I registered for that were monogrammed. To this day, they say they still have never seen so many M's. Here are some of my favorite monogrammed things, all of which make great gifts! Perfect timing for the holidays!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bulletin Board Bedazzling!

I have had a bulletin board in my office for few months and felt like something was just missing. I really wanted to make it more colorful and exciting. As a teacher, bulletin boards happen to be my specialty. I chose a fabric that went with the rest of my office decor and went from there. I even went wild and reupholstered my chair in the same fabric (see previous post). It was very simple and it definitely looks great! Simply, place the fabric lined up on the board, cut with a razor blade against sides and staple down. I love my new and improved office!

Reupholsering Day!

Not bad, for a rookie! Today was my first attempt at reupholstering. It was surprisingly easy! First, choose a fabulous fabric. Second, figure out how to remove the bottom cushion (mine was just screwed in). Last, place the fabric on, cut to size, and "super staple" the extra fabric to the bottom, screw the cushion back on... And Voila! 


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Supporting a Good Cause

This weekend, some friends and I got together for a fundraiser. I always love a good pre-cocktail party! What a fun way to support a good cause!